FWCA is committed to make itself as a humanitarian social work institution. In these aspects,it is trying to adopt a participatory and learning organizational development process. It has been trying to build its institutional capacity as per need and ability. In the meantime, FWCA has taken initiatives to build up capacity of the staffs through arranging training, orientation, workshop, and meetings. The organizational capacity and staffs development to implement the program effectively and smoothly is required but it is a continuous process. FWCA has been working to prepare future strategic plan as an integrated organizational operation where the capacity development of the organization will be a major part. It is working to develop its necessary unit, system and policy. In the meantime the organization has gained the capacity and expertise on right-based program planning and designing, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation to properly administer financial management, record keeping, financial monitoring etc. FWCA is currently working to enhance its own staff capacity in the area of Child Rights Programming (CRP), child participation, human rights programming, gender, facilitation/presentation skill, sustainability theory and practices, tools, process and mechanism, advocacy and networking skills, communication and presentation skill, proper documentation skill etc. Besides, capacity initiative is needed for financial management and other systems for FWCA that are also continuous process.